Thursday 19 June 2014

کیا انگریزی ذریعہ تعلیم ہماری ترقی کے لیے ضروری ہے

انگریزی تعلیم کے حوالے سے فرمان نواز صاحب کی تحریر[کیا سائنس کی ترقی ہمارے خلاف ہے] نظر سے گزری جو کہ  ایکسپریس کی ویب سائٹ پر ہفتہ، 14جون کو شائع ہوئی۔ یہ تحریر انکے جذبات کا آئینہ ہے۔ انہوں نے کھل کر اپنے جذبات کا اظہار کیا ہے۔انکی یہ جذباتی تحریر انکی پاکستان اور پاکستانی عوام سے دیرینہ محبت کو ظاہر کرتی ہے مگر انکی سمت تھوڑی سی غلط ہے۔ انگریزی زبان کے جو فوائد انہوں نے گنوائے ہیں ان سے اتفاق کرتا ہوں مگر انگریزی کو ذریعہ تعلیم بنانے سے اختلاف کرتا ہوں۔ اس   اختلاف کو  سمجھنے کے لیے  ہمیں  اقوام کے ماضی اور حال پر نظر ڈالنی ہو گی اور اردو                              زبان کی اہمیت کو سمجھنا ہوگا۔

 دنیا کی کوئی بھی قوم ایسی نہیں ہے جس نے کسی اور زبان میں تعلیم حاصل کر کے ترقی کی ہو۔ آپ کے سامنے پورے یورپ کی مثال موجود ہے۔ کسی بھی یورپی ملک میں انگریزی زبان  کو نہ تو سرکاری حیثیت  حاصل ہے نہ ہی  تعلیمی ۔ وہ تمام مضامین اپنی ہی زبان میں پڑھاتے اور سکھاتے ہیں۔ چین اور جاپان تو ایشیا سے تعلق رکھتے ہیں مگر پھر بھی انکے یہاں ذریعہ تعلیم انگریزی نہیں ہے۔تمام مضامین جن میں سائنس اور انجینیرنگ بھی شامل ہیں وہ اپنی ہی زبان میں پڑھاتے ہیں اور بہترین نتائج بھی حاصل کرتے ہیں۔

 مختلف ممالک میں ملازمت حاصل کرنے کے لیے اگر انگریزی کی ضرورت ہے تو اسکو   درجہ دوم کی زبان کے طور پر با آسانی سیکھا جا سکتا ہے۔  ملازمت یا تعلیم کے حصول کے لیے ہماری آبادی کا بہت ہی زیادہ قلیل حصہ ہی سفر کرکے بیرون ملک جاتا ہے۔   اس بات کو وجہ بنا کر  پورے ملک کا زریعہ تعلیم انگریزی کر دینا کسی صورت بھی مناسب نہیں ہے جبکہ ہمارے ملک کی آبادی کا بہت بڑا حصہ دیہاتوں میں بستا ہے جہاں تعلیمی صورت حال ویسے ہی بڑی خستا ہے ۔ انگریزی محض ایک زبان ہے جو کہ کوئی بھی شخص کچھ ہی مہینوں کی محنت کے بعد با آسانی سیکھ سکتا ہے اور اپنے خیالات کو الفاظ کا جامہ پہنانے کے قابل ہو جاتا ہے۔ اسکے لیے بچوں کو انکی معصومیت کے دنوں میں تختہ مشق بنانا کہاں کی عقلمندی ہے۔

مسلمانوں کے عروج کے زمانے میں یورپی اقوام کے فرد عربی زبان سیکھتے ضرور تھے وہ بھی صرف اس لیے کہ مسلمانوں کے علم سے استفادہ  حاصل کرسکیں مگر اپنے ممالک میں عربی کو ذریعہ تعلیم نہیں بناتے تھے۔آپ تاریخ میں سے کوئی ایک مثال سامنے رکھ دیں جس سے پتہ چلتا ہو کہ مسلمانوں کے عروج کے زمانے میں  کسی یورپی قوم نے عربی کو اپنایا ہو یا  اپنا ذریعہ تعلیم بنایا ہو۔ آج ہم لفظ الجبرہ تو سنتے ہیں اور کہتے ہیں کہ یہ عربی لفظ ہے مگر صرف اس نام کے آپ کو ماضی کی  الجبرہ کی کسی کتاب میں عربی نظر نہیں آئے گی جو کسی یورپین حساب دان نے لکھی ہوگی۔ اسپین کا حال تو سب ہی جانتے ہیں، کیاانہوں نے بھی مسلمانوں کے جانے کے بعد عربی کو ذریعہ تعلیم بنایا تھا ؟ یقینا نہیں۔ انہوں نے تو  عربی لباس ، عربی زبان اور عربی ثقافت کا قلع قمع کرنے کی بھرپور کوشش کی، جس میں وہ پوری طرح کامیاب بھی رہے۔ انہوں نے تو مسلمانوں کا علمی زخیرہ تک جلا کر خاکستر کردیاتھا، وہ تمام کتابیں جو عربی زبان میں تھیں چاہے وو مذہبی ہوں یا نہ ہوں صفحہ ہستی سے مٹا ڈالی تھیں۔ اسکے باوجود آج انکا شمار ترقی یافتہ ممالک میں کیا جاتا ہے۔

بابائے قوم محمد علی جناح یقینا ً فر فر انگریزی بولتے تھے لیکن اردو کو قومی اور سرکاری زبان بنانے والے بھی وہ ہی تھے۔ اگر وہ اردو کی اہمیت نہ جانتے ہوتے تو ایسا کبھی نہ کرتے۔ اردو وہ زبان ہے جو پاکستان کے مختلف  علاقوں میں  بسنے والے اور مختلف زبان بولنے والوں مختلف علاقائی ثقافت رکھنے والوں کو  آپس میں جوڑتی ہے۔ اردو جو کہ عربی ، فارسی، ہندی اور کئی زبانوں کا مجموعہ ہے اپنے دامن میں ان سب زبانوں میں موجود علم کو سمیٹے ہوئے ہے اور مزید زبانوں اور ان میں موجود علوم کو خود میں ضم کرنے کی بھر پور صلاحیت رکھتی ہے۔ اس وجہ سے اسکو بولنا اور سیکھنا نہایت آسان ہے۔ اسکا  رسم الخط  بھی عربی پر مشتمل ہے جس سے ایک ایسا شخص بھی واقف ہوتا ہے جو کبھی اسکول ہی نہ گیا ہو کیونکہ ناظرہ قرآن کی تعلیم ہر شخص ہی حاصل کرتا ہے۔ اردو کی بدولت قرآنی عربی سمجھنا  اور آیات کے معنی اور مفہوم سمجھنا انتہائی آسان ہو جاتا ہے۔

مضمون نگار خود  ذہنی طور پر الجھن کا شکار ہیں  اور واضح نہیں کر پارہے کہ کہنا کیا چاھتے ہیں۔ کبھی وہ انگریزی کو ہماری ترقی کا  ذریعہ ثابت کرنے کی کوشش کرتے ہیں اور بعد میں خود ہی لکھتے ہیں کہ ہماری زبوں حالی کی وجہ قدامت پرستی اور بنیاد پرستی ہے زبان نہیں۔ خود ہی  فرماتے ہیں کہ ترقی یافتہ ممالک میں "قومی زبان" کے ساتھ ساتھ ایک  دوسری زبان بھی پڑھائی جاتی ہے لیکن جناب یہاں یہ چاہتے ہیں کہ دوسری زبان کے ساتھ ساتھ قومی زبان بھی پڑھا دی جائے، کیا کریں قومی زبان جو ٹھہری۔ جہاں تک  بات ڈارون کی ہے تو اس پر تفصیل سے آئندہ کبھی لکھوں گا۔ دنیا بھر میں جو لوگ بھی خدا پر ایمان رکھتے ہیں چاہے وہ کسی بھی مذہب سے تعلق رکھتے ہوں انسانی ارتقاء کے نظریے کی مخالفت کر تے ہیں۔ اس نظریے کی شدت سے حمایت صرف دہریے ہی کرتے ہیں۔ اسکی  وجہ صرف یہ ہے کہ اس نظریے کے ذریعے وہ خدا کے وجود کو رد کرنے کی ناکام کوشش کرتے  ہیں۔ محترم،  اگرآپ  صرف نظریہء ارتقاء کو ہی سائنس سمجھتے ہیں اور انگریزی کو سائنس کی زبان سمجھتے ہیں تو آپ سائنس کے حوالے سے انتہائی سطحی معلومات رکھتے ہیں۔ یہ انتہائی غیر منطقی بات ہے کہ سائنس کو کسی ایک زبان کے ساتھ جوڑ دیا جائے۔ انگریزی صرف اور صرف ایک زبان ہے جس  کا ہماری ترقی یا تننرلی سے کوئی تعلق نہیں ہے۔

میں خود ایک استا د ہوں اور یہ بات جانتا ہوں کہ طالب علموں کو انگریزی کی با نسبت اردو میں سمجھانا نہایت آسان ہوتا ہے۔  اپنی زبان میں جو فہم ایک استاد اپنے طلباء کو دے سکتاہے وہ کسی اجنبی زبان میں ممکن ہی نہیں ہے۔ سائنس کو سیکھنے اور سمجھنے کے لیے انگریزی کی کوئی ضرورت نہیں ہے اگر ضرورت ہے تو اس امر کی ہے کہ تعلیمی اداروں اور تعلیم سے وابستہ اساتذہ اور محکمہء تعلیم سے وابستہ افسران اور ماہرین تعلیم کا معیار  جانچا جائے اور انہیں بہتر کیا جائے۔  تعلیمی پالیسیاں اس طرح تیار کی جائیں کے  کارگر ثابت  ہوں اور بجٹ میں تعلیم کے لیے ایک خطیر رقم مختص کی جائے اور نصاب کی ایک مقررہ وقت پر  تدوین کی جائے اور اس پر نظر ثانی کی جائے اور اسے بین الاقوامی معیا ر سے ہم آہنگ کیا جائے۔ انگریزی کو محض ایک زبان کہ طور پر پڑھا یا جائے۔  اگر یہ اقدامات خلوص نیت کے ساتھ اٹھالیے گئے تو ہمیں ترقی کرنے سے کوئی نہیں روک سکتا ہے۔

Saturday 7 June 2014

The End is near - Talking shoe, whip, stick and thigh

Several years ago, when I was quite young, I read a hadith in a book about End Times about the Talking thigh and shoes. I could not understand that what does a talking thigh or talking shoe mean. But now the technology is so evolved that these things are not impossible and Information, Communication and Computer technology has completely changed the world. Now those things are possible which are impossible few years back. GPS system, Wireless internet, Bluetooth connectivity, WiFi and other means of communication and networking to get connected with millions of people around the world are the some examples of great technological change.

There are so many gadgets available made by different companies based on the above mentioned technologies. Everything is smart now, smart phones, smart Tv, smart cars etc.A year ago, I read on the internet that Google has experimentally developed a shoe that talks. It reminded me the Hadith mentioned in Tirmizi as :

It was reported from Abu Sa'id that the Prophet (sallallahu alayhe wa sallam) said: "By Him in Whose hand is my soul, the Hour will not come until wild animals talk to men, and a man speaks to his whip or his shoe, and his thigh will tell him about what happened to his family after he left." 
Tirmizi - Kitab Al-Fitn

It is also mentioned in another book of Hadith i.e. Ahmed:

It was reported from Abu Sa'id that the Prophet (sallallahu alayhe wa sallam) said: "The Hour will not come until the time when a man will leave his home, and his shoes or whip or stick will tell what is happening to his family."

Modern day communication technology has made it possible to make gadgets mentioned in the Hadith. Now a days, every company is trying to make its products "Smart", means to automate them with the computer technology and the products should be controlled with wireless communication technology. Now the shoes are also available that can be connected to your smart phone and generate statistics about your workout and share them on social media. Various companies like Adidas, Nike etc. are developing such smart shoes.

Smart Shoes available in the market.

According to Daily mail about Google's Talking Shoes:
Google, which unveiled the trainers at the SXSW technology festival in Austin, Texas, developed the concept to showcase the possibilities of integrating everyday objects with cutting-edge technology.
 Advertising executive Aman Govil said:
The shoe was an exercise in showing what could be done – ‘an experiment’ in connecting any kind of object to the web and using it to collect and analyse information.

Google Talking Shoes.

Now lets explore how'd a thigh inform about anyone's family. It was really difficult to understand but when I did some research on the Internet about the latest gadgets, I found the a product called "Thiphone". It is actually a holster that straps your phone to your thigh. The benefit of Thiphone is that your both hands are free to do anything else and you also want to see you phone's screen for text messages and other things.

In the search of smart gadgets, I found another interesting thing called "Smart walking stick" for elderly people developed by Fujitsu, a Japanese company.This may be the stick mentioned in Hadith. This smart walking stick is equipped with all the latest communication technologies like GPS, 3G and WiFi. It has an LED screen which shows the directions and this stick also helps to avoid obstacles. With this stick, elderly people will be connected to their family back at home.

Smart walking stick equipped with latest communication technology.

The above described equipment and gadgets are proving the prophecies foretold by the prophet Mohammed (Peace be upon him) and I am sure, the things described in above mentioned hadith are pointing out the latest communication technology used today. It is the fact that we are living in the era of tribulations and we just have to realize this fact.

The End is near - Masih ad-Dajjal (The Antichrist)
The End is near - Adultery, Fornication and Homosexuality
The End is near - Reaching for the Skies
The End is near - Effeminate men and Masculine women
The End is Near - The Modern Pop Culture

Wednesday 4 June 2014

The End is near - Effeminate men and Masculine women

Last month i.e. May, I was watching news on TV when I saw a news about a song competition named as Eurovision Song Contest 2014, which is quite normal but the thing that caught my attention is that the winner of the that song competition was a bearded woman named Conchita Wurst. I was startled to saw that.because this was a mega event, contestant came here to participate in this contest from all over the Europe. Amazingly the organizers of the event allowed that bearded and weird looking woman to participate in the contest.

Conchita Wurst (Tom Neuwirth) after winning the Eurovision 2014.

After watching the news, I turned on my computer and did some research about her and I found out that the bearded woman is actually a man disguised him self as woman. His real name is Tom Neuwirth and he is an Austrian singer and openly declared gay.

Tom Neuwirth without make.

The above mentioned story reminded me the famous character of Pakistan called "Begum Nawazish Ali". In the same manner as Tom Neuwirth, Ali Saleem was born and raised as a boy but eventually he turnout to be a gay and convert himself as Effeminate man. He also openly declared him self gay and sometimes bisexual.

Eurovision is a European event and they do what ever they want to do but the case of Begum Nawazish Ali was quite surprising. The show hosted by Ali Saleem (Begum Nawazish) was On-Aired by Aaj Tv a Pakistani channel. The interesting part of this program is that it is a serious talk show participated by Politicians, Athletes, Sportsman, Business Tycoons, Social Workers, Showbiz celebrities and many more. All the people participated in his show and no one even criticized him about his guise as a woman. It was the sign of general acceptance of transgenders in Pakistan. He was also welcomed by Indians as he also did the show in the same guise as Begum.

Begum Nawazish Ali and Ali Saleem.

These guys reminded me the things I heard in my childhood by my elders. Something about the effeminate men and Masculine women. My mother told me that the time will come when men will begin to look like women and women will begin to look like men and this will be the sign of the Hour. According to the Hadith narrated by Imam al-Hafidh Abu Na'im bin Abdullah al-Asfahani, it is a sign of End Times:

He(Muhammed - peace be upon him) said: "Approaching the Hour you will find: men imitate women, and women imitate men".

Anyone can say that the Cross-dressing is not a sin and they can by found everywhere in the world and in history. I want to clear that, I am not talking about the people with disabilities by birth or they are born neutered. I am discussing here about the people as normal men and women but represent themselves as opposite sex, including people like cross-dressers and transgenders. According to Islamic teachings, Cross-dressing and being a transgender is prohibited.

Narrated Ibn 'Abbas: 
The Prophet cursed effeminate men (those men who are in the similitude (assume the manners of women) and those women who assume the manners of men, and he said, "Turn them out of your houses ." The Prophet turned out such-and-such man, and 'Umar turned out such-and-such woman. 
Bukhari :: Book 72 :: Volume 7 :: Hadith 774 

It is not only prohibited in Islam but also an omen of End times and it is happening now that these cross-dressers and transgenders are widely accepted by the masses and elites like never before in the history. Many of the famous female models and actresses are actually transgenders. They born as a male but after gender reassignment surgery they became women. There is another interesting things is that, there is beauty contest organized for transgenders. The Miss International Queen is the largest beauty pageant for transgenders from all over the world. This contest has been held every year since 2004 in Thailand. The purpose of this beauty contest is to recognize transgenders and create awareness for their rights all over the world, means to legalized it.

Few months ago, I read a news on social media and other news websites about a US Navy Seal veteran, Chris Beck that he is now living the life of a woman after retiring from the Navy. He served in special forces as Senior Chief, twice married and has two sons.

Christopher T. Beck  now Kristin Beck
It was quite amazing that a person severed in the toughest war zones like Afghanistan and Iraq as a member of Special Forces unit commando ultimately turned into a woman. Not only him, there are so many examples of transgenders you can find on the Internet. These men are suffered by the psychological disorder like Homosexuals but transgenders are widely accepted just like the Homosexuals. Allah's Apostle (Peace be upon him) prohibited even to dress like opposite gender but the people now a days are transforming themselves into opposite sex biologically by hormone therapy and sex reassignment surgery.

Narrated Abu Hurayrah: 
The Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) cursed the man who dressed like a woman and the woman who dressed like a man. 
Dawud :: Book 32 : Hadith 4087

Thomas Trace Beatie, a transgender activist is famous as "The Pregnant Man" when a documentary was telecast via Discovery Channel in 2008. Thomas Beatie was actually born and raised as a girl named Tracy Lehuanani LaGondino. But eventually became a man by hormone therapy and sex reassignment surgery. He decided to become pregnant when he finds out that his wife is infertile.

Tracy Lehuanani LaGondino now Thomas Trace Beatie.

Narrated Aisha, Ummul Mu'minin: 
Ibn AbuMulaykah told that when someone remarked to Aisha that a woman was wearing sandals, she replied: The Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) cursed mannish women. 
Dawud :: Book 32 : Hadith 4088

Anyone can easily observe that now the women are imitating men in every aspect, from dresses to foot-ware and men imitating women by wear silk and gold which is prohibited in Islam for men. These are all signs which are foretold by Prophet (peace be upon him) and mentioned in various books of Hadith. This is the time of great afflictions and tribulations but people laugh at me when I tried to convince them. They just want to cover their eyes and minds and want to live in the dream world. The signs are everywhere, you just have to look around and realize the fact that “The end is near”.

The End is near - Masih ad-Dajjal (The Antichrist)
The End is near - Adultery, Fornication and Homosexuality
The End is near - Reaching for the Skies
The End is near - Talking shoe, whip, stick and thigh
The End is Near - The Modern Pop Culture

Monday 2 June 2014

The End is near - Reaching for the Skies

There are many signs of End times mentioned in the various books of Hadith, some of them have been passed and some of them are yet to come. Now a days, every aware person can easily find the sign everywhere with every passing day. I brought up in a moderate Muslim family but my parents and my grandparents told us about the Antichrist and the tribulations of the coming days in bits and pieces. One of them was about the Sky scrapers as the sign of End times.  Now, I am witnessing the sign that was told by my parents when I was just a kid.

Few days ago, I read an article on a news website about a building called “Kingdom Tower”. That building will be constructed by Saudi government in the period of four years (2018).

Kingdom Tower at Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

The total estimated cost to build the Kingdom Tower is $1.23 billion (USD) and It will be the tallest building ever constructed in the world (1000 m). This news reminded me a hadith written in Sahih Bukhari:

Narrated Abu Huraira:
One day while the Prophet was sitting in the company of some people, (The angel) Gabriel came and asked, "When will the Hour be established?" Allah's Apostle replied, "The answerer has no better knowledge than the questioner. But I will inform you about its portents. 
1. When a slave (lady) gives birth to her master. 
2. When the shepherds of black camels start boasting and competing with others in the construction of higher buildings. And the Hour is one of five things which nobody knows except Allah.
Bukhari :: Book 2 :: Volume 1 :: Hadith 47
Now the Arab nations are competing with each other to build the skyscrapers. The shepherds of black camels are now the owner of the world’s best luxurious hotels like Burj Al Arab and the world’s tallest buildings. Burj Kalifa is tallest building (828 m) ever built so far is situated in Dubai. In 2012, Saudis constructed the “The Makkah Royal Clock tower” hotel (601 m), which was the second highest skyscraper in the world in 2012 (Now the third highest) and now they are competing with UAE and constructing the 1007 m tall “The Kingdom Tower” at Jeddah. The race for reaching for the skies by constructing the skyscrapers has begun.

Burj Khalifa at Dubai, UAE

The world’s tallest building, the tallest residential building and the tallest hotel are all constructed in UAE and Saudi Arabia.
  • Constructed in 1990, Jeddah Light House (113 m) is the tallest light house in the world.
  • Constructed in 1993, World’s tallest minaret(210 m) Hassan II Mosque, Casablanca, Morocco.
  • In the year 1999, Burj Al Arab (321 m) was the tallest building in the world used as a hotel.
  • Constructed in 2007, The Rose Tower, Dubai (333 m) is the second tallest hotel in the world.
  • Constructed in 2010, Burj Khalifa (828 m) is still the tallest man-made structure in the world.
  • In the year 2012, The Makkah Royal Clock Tower (601 m) was the second tallest building in the world (Now third tallest).
  • Constructed in 2012, the Princess tower (413 m) is the world’s tallest residential building.
  • Constructed in 2012, JW Marriott Marquis Dubai Tower (355 m)is the tallest hotel in the world.
  • In the year 2018, the Kingdom tower (1007 m) would become the tallest building ever constructed in the world.
Makkah Clock Tower Hotel   Burj Al Arab at Dubai, UAEPrincess Tower Dubai, UAERose Tower Dubai, UAEJW Marriott Marquis Dubai Tower

Some buildings are still in construction phase and soon will be included in the list of greatest skyscrapers in the world.
  • Pentominium, Dubai (516 m)
  • Burj Al Alam, Dubai (510 m)
  • Diamond Tower, Jeddah (432 m)
  • Dream Dubai Marina (432 m)
  • Marina 106, Dubai (425 m)
  • Lighthouse Tower, Dubai (402 m)
  • Capital Market Authority Headquarters, Riyadh (400 m)

When I saw pictures of Makkah clock tower few years back on the Internet, I was totally amazed and speechless because I never thought that I will see the prophecies of Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h) with my own eyes. The signs are now clearly visible to us.
Narrated Sayyidn'a Abdullah bin Umar
When the belly of Makkah will be cleft open and through it will be dug out river-like passages (i.e. tunnels) and the buildings of the Holy City of Makkah will rise higher than its mountains, when you observe these signs, then understand that the time of trial(Judgment day) is near at hand
Nu`aym b. Hammad narrated it with its chain in Kitab al-Fitan (1:43 no. 59).

Picture speaks itself - Buildings higher than the mountains.

Above mentioned Hadith was not understandable few years ago. But now, every word of the Hadith is fully understandable to us. From dusty port towns to wealthy and luxurious cities, UAE and other Arab countries reached the height of advancement in few years when oil was discovered in the Gulf. As mentioned in Sahih Muslim's hadith:
Abdullah ibn Umar said: My father, Umar ibn al-Khattab, told me: One day we were sitting in the company of Allah's Apostle (peace be upon him) when there appeared before us a man dressed in pure white clothes, his hair extraordinarily black. There were no signs of travel on him. None amongst us recognized him. At last he sat with the Apostle (peace be upon him) He knelt before him placed his palms on his thighs and said: Inform me about the hour (of the Doom). He (the Holy Prophet) remarked: One who is asked knows no more than the one who is inquiring (about it). He (the inquirer) said: Tell me some of its indications. He (the Holy Prophet) said: That the slave-girl will give birth to her mistress and master, that you will find barefooted, destitute goat-herds vying with one another in the construction of magnificent buildings.
Muslim :: Book 1 : Hadith 1 
Dubai, 1970s

Not only Arabs, nations all over the globe are participating in the race to build skyscrapers.

Narrated Abu Huraira: 
Allah's Apostle said, "The Hour will not be established till the people compete with one another in constructing high buildings".
Bukhari :: Book 88 :: Volume 9 :: Hadith 237

In the last decade, many tallest buildings were constructed in different parts of the world. Some of them are:
  • Shanghai Tower, China (632 m) constructed in 2014
  • One World Trade Centre, USA (541.3 m) constructed in 2013
  • Taipei 101, Taiwan (509 m) constructed in  2004
  • International Commerce Centre, Hong Kong  (484 m) constructed in 2010
  • Petronas Tower, Malaysia (452) constructed in 1998
  • Al Hamra Firdous Tower, Kuwait (413 m) constructed in 2011

Construction of Skyscraper in Middle East is the most visible sign of the End times.The signs are everywhere, you just have to look around and realize the fact that “The end is near”.

The End is near - Masih ad-Dajjal (The Antichrist)
The End is near - Adultery, Fornication and Homosexuality
The End is near - Effeminate men and Masculine women
The End is near - Talking shoe, whip, stick and thigh
The End is Near - The Modern Pop Culture