Monday 28 December 2015

Problem is Zionism, not Islam

After Paris attacks claimed by ISIS, ISIL or Daesh and San Bernardino shooting, social media is bursting upon Muslims that they are evil and terrorist. Some people say that behind every terrorist activity, there are Muslim perpetrators and there always a religious motive behind every terrorist attack. That is why, radical Muslims are not the problem but the real problem is Islam itself because it is Islam who teaches these radical Muslim to terrorize the peaceful and innocent Christian and Jews around the world. Infowars is an organization lead by Alex Jones and the running the websites like Infowars and Prison Planet is now a days propagating against Islam and Muslim and portray them as terrorists. Few days ago, I saw a video posted on the Alex Jones Facebook page. This video features a person named Paul Joseph Watson and he is an editor at website. In this video he claimed that Radical Muslims are not the problem but actually Islam itself as a religion is a problem which indoctrinates the ideas of violence in the human mind. He also claimed that Islam is not the religion of peace but it contains the laws about killing Homosexuals and stoning women specially rape victims. He also claimed that Islam promotes violence that is why, there are Muslims involved every terrorist attack.

No Muslim country supports ISIS even Al Qaeda denounces ISIS find them horrifying and denied any affiliation with them. Al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri dismissed Islamic State and its leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi as illegitimate. Zawahri said: “We don’t recognize this caliphate.” Zawahri says that ISIS is absolutely not a caliphate and Baghdadi doesn’t deserve to be caliph. Infact, creator of ISIS is US and UK themselves. They support and fund them and provided arms and logistic support because they want to overthrow the Assad’s regime in Syria.

Watch the video about origin and motives of ISIS

When people talk about those things they don’t know then what should we call them “Fools” or “Stupid” or “Idiot”. When these idiots talking about science, technology, politics and other things, they always study the subject thoroughly because they don’t want to look like a fool in front of other guys but when these same idiots talk about religion, they suddenly try to talk without any knowledge and research on such religion. Either they show their stupidity or they are working for fulfilling someone’s hidden agenda. I think Paul Joseph Watson fits in the category of Stupid people who doesn’t know what is going on in the world today. He and Alex Jones are being used by Zionists, may be.

Paul Joseph Watson is an Islamophobe. His Islamophobia is just because of Mass Immigration of Muslims from Syria, Iraq and other countries to Europe. If Europeans and Americans are bombing these countries and funding terrorist organizations for regime change like Assad's then it is the consequence of what they have done to the people of those countries. There is no peace left in Syria and Iraq because of Zionist wars to protect Israel and to gain control on oil rich Middle Eastern countries. Afghanistan was also became a war zone because US and UK wanted to access the oil rich Central Asian countries (Former USSR states).

Paul Joseph Watson made videos and other blog articles against Muslims and Islam because he doesn't want Muslims to come to Europe, UK and US because Islam is not compatible with the Western society and in fact, it is true. Islam is not compatible with western dying society which is taking its last breathes. If Muslims don't understand the Western cultural values which of course not based on Christianity and the Holy Bible then the American and European people also are not able to understand the Islamic Ideology, Culture, Legislation and social values.

There is nothing written in Islam about stoning the "RAPE" victims, Stoning "ONLY WOMEN" to death for Adultery and Killing non-believers for no reason. PJW always quote verses from the Holy Qur'an without CONTEXT and not only him, is it the problem of all the Islamophobes who want to bark against Islam, Qur'an and Prophet Muhammad. Islam is the religion of PEACE and prosperity. Peace and harmony for the humans is the goal of Islam and I know that Islam has some strict rules and regulations but these are for the betterment of Mankind. Holy Qur'an gives humankind the divine knowledge and that is why Islam doesn't need any Reformation. Christianity needed reformation because it was not true Christianity, in fact it was Paulism based on St. Paul's ideology and misinterpretations of Bible written by the people who never met Jesus. The four books (Mark, Luke, Mathew and John) were selected from the hundreds of Books (Bible) written by various writers then what is the authenticity of the Bible Christians read today? I think ZERO authenticity. Even the names of the disciples/Apostles are not same in all the four books, WHAT A PITY.

There is nothing written in any Islamic literature about stoning the rape victims (women) but he is repeatedly saying in his videos that Islam permits this. In Islam, Adultery, Fornication and Homosexuality are punishable crimes and great sins and these sins create great social disorder that is why punishment for these crimes is also hard. West has adopted all these sins and social crimes as normal human behavior. Many of the European countries and US states have legalized the same-sex marriages and relationships which are totally against Christianity, Judaism and Islam. Homosexuality is also an unethical and unnatural behavior. Family system has collapsed in the West. Out of Wedlock births has increased. More than 40% babies are born by unmarried women in US and almost half of the babies born in UK outside wedlock. It is estimated that nearly half of the population of US and UK is consist of illegitimate children. In most cases, child doesn't know the name of his/her father. Women are so dishonored in the west that they have to strip themselves down in front of lustful eyes just for few dollars and this is how western society treats women. Where is the respect for the women? Pornography and Prostitution is now become an organized and recognized business. West has turned Pornography and Prostitution into an Industry and Brothels are now big industrial giants. Eastern Europe is now the HUB of women trafficking for prostitution. Western Society has accepted the indecent, unethical and non-understandable behavior of Homosexuality as a normal human behavior; you people have great IQ slightly more than animals, WHAT A PITY.  TV shows like "Full House" and other sitcoms were made to revive the family system but they have failed. Homosexuality, fornication and Adultery have affected the western society so bad that it is now at the edge of destruction. There is only one thing that is supporting the western society is their technological advancement, but the question is: How long?

Paul also posted on his facebook page that Donald “Trump should convert to Islam. Then he can say hateful things about minorities all day long libs won't give a damn”.  I think, he doesn't know that Iran is an open-enemy of Israel and its legislation based on Sharia Laws but sixty to seventy thousand Jews are living in Iran peacefully.

-Why are those Jews not migrating to Israel and want to live on the land of their number one enemy under the Sharia Law?

-If Islam is so bad then why Islam is the fastest growing religion in United States after 9/11 terrorist attacks allegedly done by Muslims?

According to Paul Joseph Watson, "Farook (the alleged Shooter of San Bernardino shooting) threatened to kill Jews". But Paul doesn't know that Judeo-Christian alliance has already killed millions of Muslims around the world in the name of so-called "War on Terror". He also stated that "Farook said, Islam will rule the world". But again Paul doesn't know that Judeo-Christian alliance (Zionism) is working for New World Order to take over the world, not Muslims.  He also perhaps doesn't know that Muslim are not waging war against Jews and Christians but the "Judeo-Christian" alliance (Zionism) is attacking and overthrowing governments and de-stabilizing the Middle East, Asia and Africa. (7 Countries in 5 years). He also doesn't know that Jew has no legal right to establish a Jewish state in Palestine. But in fact, Zionists want to expand their borders to Iraq, Egypt and Saudi Arabia. An excellent example of Land grabbing by illegal and illegitimate use of Force. Police could not find any motive of San Bernardino shooting yet and both the alleged shooters are dead.

The Judeo-Christian Allaince --- Zionism
General Wesley Clark: Wars Were Planned - Seven Countries In Five Years

Infowars’s only emphasis is on to use the term "Muslim gunman" to blame all Muslims of the world. We, Muslim didn't call Raymond Davis "Christian gunman" who shot people on the streets of Pakistan. Count the innocent people killed in Iraq and Afghanistan, Palestine and if you remember Al jazair (In 1992, the political party Front Islamique du Salut that was a broad coalition of Islamist groups dominated the first of two rounds of legislative elections. In the fear of a Islamic democratic government in Al jazair, authorities canceled the election results and army backed by French agencies/Armed forces overtook the government and killed countless innocent people) then compare it with Paris shooting victims.

Every action has an opposite reaction, and American and allied nations are facing this reaction. Islam is not the Problem, your foreign policy to reshape Middle East and to implement New World Order by overthrowing governments and attacking countries (7 countries in 5 years) is the real PROBLEM.
Problem is not Islam but actually Zionism. Confrontation between Muslims, Christian and Jews in today’s world has long roots in the past that is why we have to learn the historical past of Israelite and the land of Palestine. In the past hundred years, all the major wars were orchestrated by the Zionists, not Muslims.

Monday 1 June 2015

The End is near - Does God really exist?

Few days ago, I watched a program named "Cosmos" on a TV channel. The host of that program explained the beginning of our universe and the origin of life on earth that evolved to us i.e human beings. That program reminded me a conversation with someone about the existence of God. In that conversation, that someone revealed himself as an atheist and raised some points against the existence of God. Those points were:

  • God did not create the universe, it was the result of Big Bang.
  • Humans were not created by God but they evolved from a unicellular organism.
  • Quran is not the word of God. It was copied from Bible and Torah.

First of all, we have to realize the fact that as a creation, we can't understand the creator. God existed before he created the time and space i.e this universe and he will exist after the destruction of this universe forever and ever. As a human being we have finite and limited intelligence that is why we cannot understand the Infinity. In mathematics, if any number is divided by zero then its answer is not calculable because this division will never end. Even modern day computers and other calculating devices show error message when they have to execute such operation. It is the simplest example that our intelligence is finite and we can't understand infinite.

Now, come to the first point about the Big Bang theory. This theory explains the beginning of our universe when all the matter and energy was encapsulated somewhere in a very hot and dense point smaller like an atom and then an explosion happened and the matter and energy dispersed throughout the space and then first atom was formed which gave birth to the Hydrogen and Helium and then cluster of galaxies, stars and solar system and planets were formed.

But the question remains same that where did that matter and energy come from?

How did that Big Bang happened?

That someone could not give me the answers of those questions even science has no answer for that question because we are bound to Time and Space and Time started after the Big Bang. That is why we can't understand what existed before time and what will happen after the end of time. Secondly, what are the limits of our universe and what exists beyond that limit? again, science has no answer. In fact, if someone want to deny the existence of God with this theory then he is totally wrong. The Big Bang theory doesn't negate the concept and existence of God. In fact, Quran also testify the Big Bang theory in the following verses:

“Have those who disbelieved not considered that the heavens and the earth were a joined entity, then We separated them, and made from water every living thing?  Then will they not believe?” 
(Quran 21:30)

The following verses explains that how the Big Bang was triggered:
“Is not He who created the heavens and the earth Able to create the likes of them?  Yes; and He is the Knowing Creator. His command is only when He intends a thing that He says to it, ‘Be,’ and it is.”
(Quran 36:81-82)

Atheist frustratingly uses the Theory of Evolution to negate the existence of God and to deny the concept of creation. In the book "Origin of Species", Charles Darwin discussed the process of evolution through natural selection. There were so many missing links and Darwin also accepted that in his book. He didn't discuss the beginning of life and it is still the greatest mystery of the world and science has no answer about the creation of first living cell. The theory of evolution is just a theory not a fact and it has not proved yet.

People like him does not really understand the  purpose of the holy Quran. It is a fact that their is a huge similarity between the holy Quran and other divine books and the reason behind this is really a simple one. Because they are all from the same God. From Adam to prophet Muhammad, there is no difference between the teachings of all the messengers of Allah. The Torah and the Bible has been changed as time passed, that is why the fundamental beliefs of Jews and Christian are no longer true and they are not on the right track as Moses and Jesus taught them. The Holy Quran reveals the true faith and fundamental beliefs with the complete knowledge and wisdom for human beings. The Holy Quran is for making corrections, not for entirely new beliefs and concepts different from the other holy books.

Atheist are using the Theory of Evolution and the Big Bang theory to remove the concept of God from their lives but they are simply ignorant fools.  Existence of God and concept of creation is not just a faith, it is a fact.

The End is near - Masih ad-Dajjal (The Antichrist)
The End is near - Adultery, Fornication and Homosexuality
The End is near - Reaching for the Skies
The End is near - Effeminate men and Masculine women
The End is near - Talking shoe, whip, stick and thigh
The End is near - End Times and Hollywood
The End is near - The modern Pop culture